No. A landlord may legally remove a tenant and the tenant’s property from rented premises only under the dispossessory procedure. If a landlord uses self-help to evict a tenant without […]
The last day to file my answer falls on a weekend or a legal holiday and the Magistrate Court is closed. What can I do?
When the last day to file an answer falls on a weekend or a legal holiday, the answer may be filed with the Magistrate Court by close of the next […]
The tenant has filed an answer with the Magistrate Court. When will the hearing be held?
When an answer is filed, a court date is given for a time within the next 14 days. The tenant will be given a court date at the time the […]
If the tenant fails to file an answer within 7 days from service of a dispossessory warrant, what can I do?
If the tenant fails to file an answer with the Magistrate Court within 7 days from service of a dispossessory warrant, the landlord may request a writ of possession by […]
I have been served with a dispossessory warrant. What can I do?
Upon service of a dispossessory warrant, the tenant has seven days to file an answer with the Magistrate Court. Failure to file an answer within seven days of service of […]
How is the dispossessory warrant served on the tenant?
Personal service on the tenant of the dispossessory warrant must be attempted. In the event the sheriff cannot serve the tenant personally, the sheriff may serve the dispossessory warrant sui […]
Where do I file a dispossessory warrant in order to evict my tenants?
A dispossessory warrant should be filed in the county where the rental property is located.
What are the requirements for a landlord filing a dispossessory warrant?
There must be a landlord/tenant relationship between the parties. The tenant must be either a tenant holding over, a tenant at will, a tenant at sufferance, or having failed to […]